
Getting Ready for Work this New Year
It has been a great year so far, as the year 2014 gradually came to an end. However, towards the end of the year,

Building a Good Relationship with Colleagues at Work
Your work place can be smilingly viewed as the second home of a working class man or woman, you resume in the early

Healthy Eating at Work
You are what you eat, that sounds hilarious but it’s quite true. At your work place, it’s a formal environment and healthy eating habit

Work Hard and Still Look Presentable at Work
Whether you like it or not your looks say a lot about you, and how you look matters. Your job and your physical appearance

Making Good Business Choices
Starting a business is one thing and making the right choice is another, but no matter what, do a feasibility study, research and

Saving and Investing with Limited Resources
it’s imperative we make hay while the sun shines, saving and investing your limited resources at the right time, will certainly keep your

Merging School and Work Efficiently
It’s great to have additional qualifications to build-up your career life, or perhaps you just enrolled into a higher institution for the first

How to Spend Smartly During Festive Seasons
The festive seasons are almost here again, where all the money earned goes to the trading world. During festive seasons, sellers are certainly sure

How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur
The brain is very small part of the body, but very important in and outside the body. The brain of numerous individuals is

Managing Work and Personal Business
As the saying goes; “anything worth doing at all, is worth doing well”. Managing work and personal business can be quite challenging and sometimes

Conflict Resolution at the Workplace
These days conflict in the workplace seems inevitable given to the fact that whenever individuals of different ideology, expectation and backgrounds come together,

Effective employee training and development
Whether we are aware of it or not, learning occurs all the time in our lives. Learning comes in different ramifications; incidental, intentional