Whether we are aware of it or not, learning occurs all the time in our lives. Learning comes in different ramifications; incidental, intentional and compulsory learning. If you seek to go far in life or take your company to another level, you need to reserve some time for learning as well as invest in it. Here we are going to be sharing tips on effective employee training and development, most successful companies you see today, are where they are because they invested in the training and development of their staff. Learning plays a huge role in personal and team success; it is a necessity for the general growth and development of any organization. If you are an employer and want to take your company to greater heights, whether you like it or not, you need to invest in the training and development of your staff. Here are some tips on how to carryout effective employee training and development.
The training of employees is the responsibility of the company, the employee development and training is a responsibility should be shared between the management and the employee in question. The management of the company is meant to provide the required resources and environment to support the training and development of the employees. For employee training and development to be successful, the management should make available a well designed job description, which will be the foundation of the employee training and development activities. These activities will provide the training required by employees to attain basic competencies that will enable them get the job done better and efficiently.
While planning the training and learning activities of your employees, it is crucial to have an accurate understanding of the knowledge, skills and competencies that the company lacks and will need in the future. Think of the long-term goals of the company and the implications of these goals , this will aid the employee development as well as help the management focus on the right kind of training and development programs.
Always share knowledge with your staff and take advantage of learning opportunities available in the daily activities of the company. Explain the importance of the employee training process and encourage your staff to develop personal development plans. Give the staff all forms of support when they discover useful learning activities that will certainly make them an asset to your company, presently and in future
Take advantage of conferences and forums, these are the major ways through which training and development activities are being done today. Most employees can make out time to attend conferences channeled towards topics relevant to their position and the company. Ensure that the employees, who attended either the conference or forum, make a presentation for other staff, in order to enhance general learning experiences in the company.
Working aids are crucial to effective employee training and development. Tools should be given to employees, to assist them in performing their job roles better. These tools may include: manuals on different topics, to-do-lists, company manual, target book, phone lists, work guidelines, decision guidelines and the list goes on. This will also be very useful for new employees taking on new roles and for irregular activities in the company.
Once an employee has perfected a particular job role and has performed satisfactorily, it’s best to confront that employee with a more challenging role. Assign new duties to the employee or put him/her in a new department, this will facilitate development and is an effective way to train your employees to be more skilled and competent in every department in the company.
Performance appraisals can be said to be part evaluation and developmental, in the regular performance appraisals, the manager, with the help of the employee evaluates the employee’s strengths and weaknesses, using and evaluation sheets. There are different forms of performance appraisal, just use the one that best suits your company’s demands. For a 360-degree performance appraisal, the feedback is gotten from supervisors, staff, colleagues and oftentimes clients. Appraisals are very important and efficient in identifying areas where your staff needs further development.
Encourage frequent self-assessment; this is where employees identify their skills, abilities, values, strengths and weaknesses. To conduct a self-assessment, you need self-assessment tools, which can be found online. The staff is required to compare their knowledge, skills and abilities to those identified in their job description. Once this is done, they can determine where they need training and track their development.
Planning is crucial in everything we do, training and development is not cheap but the benefits are worth it. To invest rightly, identify activities focused at development and plan strategically on the methods to use and the resources needed. This will expose you to cost-effective options and how to utilize your resources to the fullest. Don’t just plan; actualize your training and development plans by reviewing it with the management for approval and then commencing work on the plan immediately it’s approved.
Lastly, an effective employee training and development has to suit the company’s profile, job descriptions, employment contracts and other agreements. It’s imperative for the success and growth of your company. Effective employee training and development can act as an avenue for your company to develop its staff, have a competitive edge and an outstanding recruitment and retention rate.
photo credit; timeshighereducation.co.uk