If you want to write a CV that requires a lot of time, seriousness, paying attention to details and mental energy, it is best to do all you can to make it standard, consistent and readable. A CV , also referred to as curriculum vitae or resume, can be written anyhow by anybody, but to have a perfect CV, you need to give it the appropriate content , importance and time, which will majorly increase your chances of getting that call you’ve been waiting for desperately and get invited for an interview .
A perfect CV it’s not easy to write, however if you follow the right steps and techniques to CV writing, you’ll be on your way to making your CV perfect. There are arrays of complicated ways of writing CVs out there, which at times can be difficult to comprehend. Hence we are presenting a simple, direct and comprehendible way of writing a perfect CV. Here are some things you need to know in regards to making your CV become an employer’s delight, first choice and perfect.
As the saying goes, a good first impression is very crucial in everything we do. Your CV is a representation of you in black and white that is why it’s necessary for you to do all you can to make it look very good. Do not make the prevalent mistake of undermining the importance of your CV, as people who do not see their CVs as important tend to lose so many opportunities in the corporate world. The first thing the labour market does is to judge your CV, hence its importance cannot be overemphasized, and it’s your pass to the job world.
With the important nature of your CV in mind, you should make your CV portray clearly your unique values and skills as a potential employee. You have to be precise and go straight to the point when writing your CV because in the business world, the attention given to a CV is very low. Your CV takes you some steps towards that new job, so give it all it needs to stand on its own. Gone are the days when getting a job was as easy as a piece of cake, you’re now in the 21st century where the competition is extremely tough and cutthroat. You need to up your game and write your CV in a way that makes it standout and perfect for the situation.
Since you decided to write a CV, why not write it well and save yourself the stress of writing it again. Before you write your CV, do your research on the CVs of successful people you know, you don’t have to copy their CV just study the format and translate it in a way that suits your person, as well as what you’re applying for. A perfect CV cannot be comprised with low quality details. A low quality CV gets little or no attention, it can make you feel depressed and ruin your self-esteem. The issue is not you being unqualified for the job, but the inability of your CV to meet up with the required standard.
Many job searchers tend to bombard their CVs with irrelevant information and omit the relevant ones. They get wrong ideas about what is and not important to the employer. Always do your research and express clearly in the first page of your CV that you possess the needed skills, experiences and techniques required. Once the recruiter gets hold of your CV, you’ll certainly be shortlisted. To have a prefect CV means you need to backup all the claims you’ve made in that CV. It’s necessary that you prove you’ve got what they need. For example if your CV says you have excellent skills in computer software, give an example of how you managed and operated a company’s software or data on excel.
Before you send your CV, always proofread because you can never be too careful. According to research a sizeable amount of people have errors on their CVs, which employers often shove aside. Your CV should be perfectly presented as well as void of errors, if you want to show your professionalism. Always pay attention to details and try asking a second party to proofread your CV for you.
The use of bad grammar in a CV is highly unacceptable, as it will destroy your chances of being selected no matter how good you are. Do not use informal expressions on your CV; it’s an official document so the language used has to be very professional and formal. Always go through whatever you have written, to ensure they are logical and blonder free.
In conclusion, a CV is meant to be an outline of your educational and professional history, in line with the requirements of a particular job. A perfect CV markets you for a potential job and it’s subjected to intense scrutiny, therefore, make it detailed and easy to read, instead of making it vague and congested.
Photo credit; business.lovetoknow.com