Greendel Campaign

During the Midel group’s Greendel Month of November, all members of staff of the Midel group went round all the offices at Midel center to educate tenants on recycling and energy saving.We talked about reasons for recycling, objects that can be recycled and discussed about how our recycled materials (e.g. plastic bottles) can be reused.

Most of the tenants showed much enthusiasm towards the Greendel cause and pledged their continued support. We were also pleasantly surprised to hear that they wanted to extend their recycling dedication to their homes but did not know where to dispose of their recycled wastes, we offered for them to bring it to the center if possible, to be picked up by our local partners at the community recycling plant.

It was a another successful month of team work, education, but most
importantly, renewed dedication to a worthy cause.

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