Meeting Deadlines

Meeting Deadlines

  If you are a team member, independent consultant, project manager or own a large firm, it’s important to deliver based on your client’s expectations, which includes fulfilling your part of an agreement within the agreed deadline. However, failure to meet established deadlines can lead to a bad business reputation. Hence, for your clients to…

Working Smart

Working Smart

Hard work, they say pays but working smart will not only pay, but get the job done creatively and effortlessly. Working smart as a leader, employer, employee, entrepreneur or an individual, is a trait that will certainly assist you in getting more work done, compared to working hard. However, working hard is also an essential…

Time Management

Time Management

Time management is a skill necessary for success. It involves one’s ability to plan and coordinate how one spends irreplaceable hours daily. Time as they say is no man’s friend, neither is it controlled by humans. It passes as fast as it wants, and as humans all we can do is to make the most…